Warning: Declaration of action_plugin_subjectindex_indexer::register(&$controller) should be compatible with DokuWiki_Action_Plugin::register(Doku_Event_Handler $controller) in /data/web/virtuals/28604/virtual/www/subdom/bo/lib/plugins/subjectindex/action/indexer.php on line 15
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======Exercise 24: Input, Output, Files======
You've been using printf to print things, and that's great and all, but
you need more. In this exercise program you're using the functions
fscanf and fgets to build information about a person in a structure.
After this simple introduction to reading input, you'll get a full list
of the functions that C has for I/O. Some of these you've already seen
and used, so this will be another memorization exercise.
#include "dbg.h"
#define MAX_DATA 100
typedef enum EyeColor {
} EyeColor;
const char *EYE_COLOR_NAMES[] = {
"Blue", "Green", "Brown", "Black", "Other"
typedef struct Person {
int age;
char first_name[MAX_DATA];
char last_name[MAX_DATA];
EyeColor eyes;
float income;
} Person;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
Person you = {.age = 0};
int i = 0;
char *in = NULL;
printf("What's your First Name? ");
in = fgets(you.first_name, MAX_DATA-1, stdin);
check(in != NULL, "Failed to read first name.");
printf("What's your Last Name? ");
in = fgets(you.last_name, MAX_DATA-1, stdin);
check(in != NULL, "Failed to read last name.");
printf("How old are you? ");
int rc = fscanf(stdin, "%d", &you.age);
check(rc > 0, "You have to enter a number.");
printf("What color are your eyes:\n");
for(i = 0; i <= OTHER_EYES; i++) {
printf("%d) %s\n", i+1, EYE_COLOR_NAMES[i]);
printf("> ");
int eyes = -1;
rc = fscanf(stdin, "%d", &eyes);
check(rc > 0, "You have to enter a number.");
you.eyes = eyes - 1;
check(you.eyes <= OTHER_EYES && you.eyes >= 0, "Do it right, that's not an o
printf("How much do you make an hour? ");
rc = fscanf(stdin, "%f", &you.income);
check(rc > 0, "Enter a floating point number.");
printf("----- RESULTS -----\n");
printf("First Name: %s", you.first_name);
printf("Last Name: %s", you.last_name);
printf("Age: %d\n", you.age);
printf("Eyes: %s\n", EYE_COLOR_NAMES[you.eyes]);
printf("Income: %f\n", you.income);
return 0;
return -1;
This program is deceptively simple, and introduces a function called
fscanf which is the "file scanf". The scanf family of functions are the
inverse of the printf versions. Where printf printed out data based on
a format, scanf reads (or scans) input based on a format.
There's nothing original in the beginning of the file, so here's what
the main is doing:
Set up some variables we'll need.
Get your first name using the fgets function, which reads a
string from the input (in this case stdin) but makes sure it
doesn't overflow the given buffer.
Same thing for you.last_name, again using fgets.
Uses fscanf to read an integer from stdin and put it into
you.age. You can see that the same format string is used as
printf to print an integer. You should also see that you have to
give the address of you.age so that fscanf has a pointer to it
and can modify it. This is a good example of using a pointer to
a piece of data as an "out parameter".
Print out all the options available for eye color, with a
matching number that works with the EyeColor enum above.
Using fscanf again, get a number for the you.eyes, but make sure
the input is valid. This is important because someone can enter
a value outside the EYE_COLOR_NAMES array and cause a segfault.
Get how much you make as a float for the you.income.
Print everything out so you can see if you have it right. Notice
that EYE_COLOR_NAMES is used to print out what the EyeColor enum
is actually called.
======What You Should See======
When you run this program you should see your inputs being properly
converted. Make sure you try to give it bogus input too so you can see
how it protects against the input.
$ make ex24
cc -Wall -g -DNDEBUG ex24.c -o ex24
$ ./ex24
======What's your First Name? Zed======
======What's your Last Name? Shaw======
======How old are you? 37======
======What color are your eyes:======
1) Blue
2) Green
3) Brown
4) Black
5) Other
> 1
======How much do you make an hour? 1.2345======
----- RESULTS -----
======First Name: Zed======
======Last Name: Shaw======
======Age: 37======
======Eyes: Blue======
======Income: 1.234500======
======How To Break It======
This is all fine and good, but the real important part of this exercise
is how scanf actually sucks. It's fine for simple conversion of
numbers, but fails for strings because it's difficult to tell scanf how
big a buffer is before you read. There's also a problem with a function
like gets (not fgets, the non-f version) which we avoided. That
function has no idea how big the input buffer is at all and will just
trash your program.
To demonstrate the problems with fscanf and strings, change the lines
that use fgets so they are fscanf(stdin, "%50s", you.first_name) and
then try to use it again. Notice it seems to read too much and then eat
your enter key? This doesn't do what you think it does, and really
rather than deal with weird scanf issues, just use fgets.
Next, change the fgets to use gets, then bust out your valgrind and do
this: valgrind ./ex24 < /dev/urandom to feed random garbage into your
program. This is called "fuzzing" your program, and it is a good way to
find input bugs. In this case, you're feeding garbage from the
/dev/urandom file, and then watching it crash. On some platforms you
may have to do this a few times, or even adjust the MAX_DATA define so
it's small enough.
The gets function is so bad that some platforms actually warn you when
the program runs that you're using gets. You should never use this
function, ever.
Finally, take the input for you.eyes and remove the check that the
number given is within the right range. Then feed it bad numbers like
-1 or 1000. Do this under Valgrind too so you can see what happens.
======The I/O Functions======
This is a short list of various I/O functions that you should look up
and create index cards that have the function name, what it does, and
all the variants similar to it.
* fscanf
* fgets
* fopen
* freopen
* fdopen
* fclose
* fcloseall
* fgetpos
* fseek
* ftell
* rewind
* fprintf
* fwrite
* fread
Go through these and memorize the different variants and what they do.
For example, for the card on fscanf you'll have scanf, sscanf, vscanf,
etc. and then what each of those do on the back.
Finally, to get the information you need for these cards, use man to
read the help for it. For example, the page for fscanf comes from man
======Extra Credit======
* Rewrite this to not use fscanf at all. You'll need to use functions
like atoi to convert the input strings to numbers.
* Change this to use plain scanf instead of fscanf to see what the
difference is.
* Fix it so that the input names get stripped of the trailing newline
characters and any whitespace.
* Use scanf to write a function that reads a character at a time and
files in the names but doesn't go past the end. Make this function
generic so it can take a size for the string, and make sure you end
the string with '\0' no matter what.
Copyright (C) 2010 Zed. A. Shaw