Warning: Declaration of action_plugin_subjectindex_indexer::register(&$controller) should be compatible with DokuWiki_Action_Plugin::register(Doku_Event_Handler $controller) in /data/web/virtuals/28604/virtual/www/subdom/bo/lib/plugins/subjectindex/action/indexer.php on line 15
Warning: Declaration of action_plugin_mathjax_enable::register(Doku_Event_Handler &$controller) should be compatible with DokuWiki_Action_Plugin::register(Doku_Event_Handler $controller) in /data/web/virtuals/28604/virtual/www/subdom/bo/lib/plugins/mathjax/action/enable.php on line 62
Warning: Declaration of action_plugin_googleanalytics::register(&$controller) should be compatible with DokuWiki_Action_Plugin::register(Doku_Event_Handler $controller) in /data/web/virtuals/28604/virtual/www/subdom/bo/lib/plugins/googleanalytics/action.php on line 40
Warning: Declaration of action_plugin_folded::register(&$controller) should be compatible with DokuWiki_Action_Plugin::register(Doku_Event_Handler $controller) in /data/web/virtuals/28604/virtual/www/subdom/bo/lib/plugins/folded/action.php on line 40
Warning: Declaration of action_plugin_hidden::register(&$controller) should be compatible with DokuWiki_Action_Plugin::register(Doku_Event_Handler $controller) in /data/web/virtuals/28604/virtual/www/subdom/bo/lib/plugins/hidden/action.php on line 28
Warning: Declaration of action_plugin_include::register(&$controller) should be compatible with DokuWiki_Action_Plugin::register(Doku_Event_Handler $controller) in /data/web/virtuals/28604/virtual/www/subdom/bo/lib/plugins/include/action.php on line 354
Warning: Declaration of action_plugin_tag::register(&$contr) should be compatible with DokuWiki_Action_Plugin::register(Doku_Event_Handler $controller) in /data/web/virtuals/28604/virtual/www/subdom/bo/lib/plugins/tag/action.php on line 175
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /data/web/virtuals/28604/virtual/www/subdom/bo/lib/plugins/subjectindex/action/indexer.php:15) in /data/web/virtuals/28604/virtual/www/subdom/bo/inc/auth.php on line 532
Warning: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead in /data/web/virtuals/28604/virtual/www/subdom/bo/inc/auth.php on line 818
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /data/web/virtuals/28604/virtual/www/subdom/bo/lib/plugins/subjectindex/action/indexer.php:15) in /data/web/virtuals/28604/virtual/www/subdom/bo/inc/actions.php on line 656
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /data/web/virtuals/28604/virtual/www/subdom/bo/lib/plugins/subjectindex/action/indexer.php:15) in /data/web/virtuals/28604/virtual/www/subdom/bo/inc/actions.php on line 656
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /data/web/virtuals/28604/virtual/www/subdom/bo/lib/plugins/subjectindex/action/indexer.php:15) in /data/web/virtuals/28604/virtual/www/subdom/bo/inc/actions.php on line 656
======Exercise 34: Dynamic Array======
This is an array that grows on its own and has most of the same
features as a linked list. It will usually take up less space, run
faster, and has other beneficial properties. This exercise will cover a
few of the disadvantages like very slow removal from the front, with a
solution (just do it at the end).
A dynamic array is simply an array of void ** pointers that is
pre-allocated in one shot and that point at the data. In the linked
list you had a full struct that stored the void *value pointer, but in
a dynamic array there's just a single array with all of them. This
means you don't need any other pointers for next and previous records
since you can just index into it directly.
To start, I'll give you the header file you should type up for the
#ifndef _DArray_h
#define _DArray_h
typedef struct DArray {
int end;
int max;
size_t element_size;
size_t expand_rate;
void **contents;
} DArray;
======DArray *DArray_create(size_t element_size, size_t initial_max);======
void DArray_destroy(DArray *array);
void DArray_clear(DArray *array);
int DArray_expand(DArray *array);
int DArray_contract(DArray *array);
int DArray_push(DArray *array, void *el);
void *DArray_pop(DArray *array);
void DArray_clear_destroy(DArray *array);
#define DArray_last(A) ((A)->contents[(A)->end - 1])
#define DArray_first(A) ((A)->contents[0])
#define DArray_end(A) ((A)->end)
#define DArray_count(A) DArray_end(A)
#define DArray_max(A) ((A)->max)
static inline void DArray_set(DArray *array, int i, void *el)
check(i < array->max, "darray attempt to set past max");
if(i > array->end) array->end = i;
array->contents[i] = el;
static inline void *DArray_get(DArray *array, int i)
check(i < array->max, "darray attempt to get past max");
return array->contents[i];
return NULL;
static inline void *DArray_remove(DArray *array, int i)
void *el = array->contents[i];
array->contents[i] = NULL;
return el;
static inline void *DArray_new(DArray *array)
check(array->element_size > 0, "Can't use DArray_new on 0 size darrays.");
return calloc(1, array->element_size);
return NULL;
#define DArray_free(E) free((E))
This header file is showing you a new technique where I put static
inline functions right in the header. These function definitions will
work similar to the #define macros you've been making, but they're
cleaner and easier to write. If you need to create a block of code for
a macro and you don't need code generation, then use a static inline
Compare this technique to the LIST_FOREACH that generates a proper
for-loop for a list. This would be impossible to do with a static
inline function because it actually has to generate the inner block of
code for the loop. The only way to do that is with a callback function,
but that's not as fast and is harder to use.
I'll then change things up and have you create the unit test for
#include "minunit.h"
static DArray *array = NULL;
static int *val1 = NULL;
static int *val2 = NULL;
char *test_create()
array = DArray_create(sizeof(int), 100);
mu_assert(array != NULL, "DArray_create failed.");
mu_assert(array->contents != NULL, "contents are wrong in darray");
mu_assert(array->end == 0, "end isn't at the right spot");
mu_assert(array->element_size == sizeof(int), "element size is wrong.");
mu_assert(array->max == 100, "wrong max length on initial size");
return NULL;
char *test_destroy()
return NULL;
char *test_new()
val1 = DArray_new(array);
mu_assert(val1 != NULL, "failed to make a new element");
val2 = DArray_new(array);
mu_assert(val2 != NULL, "failed to make a new element");
return NULL;
char *test_set()
DArray_set(array, 0, val1);
DArray_set(array, 1, val2);
return NULL;
char *test_get()
mu_assert(DArray_get(array, 0) == val1, "Wrong first value.");
mu_assert(DArray_get(array, 1) == val2, "Wrong second value.");
return NULL;
char *test_remove()
int *val_check = DArray_remove(array, 0);
mu_assert(val_check != NULL, "Should not get NULL.");
mu_assert(*val_check == *val1, "Should get the first value.");
mu_assert(DArray_get(array, 0) == NULL, "Should be gone.");
val_check = DArray_remove(array, 1);
mu_assert(val_check != NULL, "Should not get NULL.");
mu_assert(*val_check == *val2, "Should get the first value.");
mu_assert(DArray_get(array, 1) == NULL, "Should be gone.");
return NULL;
char *test_expand_contract()
int old_max = array->max;
mu_assert((unsigned int)array->max == old_max + array->expand_rate, "Wrong s
ize after expand.");
mu_assert((unsigned int)array->max == array->expand_rate + 1, "Should stay a
t the expand_rate at least.");
mu_assert((unsigned int)array->max == array->expand_rate + 1, "Should stay a
t the expand_rate at least.");
return NULL;
char *test_push_pop()
int i = 0;
for(i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
int *val = DArray_new(array);
*val = i * 333;
DArray_push(array, val);
mu_assert(array->max == 1201, "Wrong max size.");
for(i = 999; i >= 0; i--) {
int *val = DArray_pop(array);
mu_assert(val != NULL, "Shouldn't get a NULL.");
mu_assert(*val == i * 333, "Wrong value.");
return NULL;
char * all_tests() {
return NULL;
This shows you how all of the operations are used, which then makes
implementing the DArray much easier:
======DArray *DArray_create(size_t element_size, size_t initial_max)======
DArray *array = malloc(sizeof(DArray));
array->max = initial_max;
check(array->max > 0, "You must set an initial_max > 0.");
array->contents = calloc(initial_max, sizeof(void *));
array->end = 0;
array->element_size = element_size;
array->expand_rate = DEFAULT_EXPAND_RATE;
return array;
if(array) free(array);
return NULL;
void DArray_clear(DArray *array)
int i = 0;
if(array->element_size > 0) {
for(i = 0; i < array->max; i++) {
if(array->contents[i] != NULL) {
static inline int DArray_resize(DArray *array, size_t newsize)
array->max = newsize;
check(array->max > 0, "The newsize must be > 0.");
void *contents = realloc(array->contents, array->max * sizeof(void *));
// check contents and assume realloc doesn't harm the original on error
array->contents = contents;
return 0;
return -1;
int DArray_expand(DArray *array)
size_t old_max = array->max;
check(DArray_resize(array, array->max + array->expand_rate) == 0,
"Failed to expand array to new size: %d",
array->max + (int)array->expand_rate);
memset(array->contents + old_max, 0, array->expand_rate + 1);
return 0;
return -1;
int DArray_contract(DArray *array)
int new_size = array->end < (int)array->expand_rate ? (int)array->expand_rat
e : array->end;
return DArray_resize(array, new_size + 1);
void DArray_destroy(DArray *array)
if(array) {
if(array->contents) free(array->contents);
void DArray_clear_destroy(DArray *array)
int DArray_push(DArray *array, void *el)
array->contents[array->end] = el;
if(DArray_end(array) >= DArray_max(array)) {
return DArray_expand(array);
} else {
return 0;
void *DArray_pop(DArray *array)
check(array->end - 1 >= 0, "Attempt to pop from empty array.");
void *el = DArray_remove(array, array->end - 1);
if(DArray_end(array) > (int)array->expand_rate && DArray_end(array) % array-
>expand_rate) {
return el;
return NULL;
This shows you another way to tackle complex code. Instead of diving
right into the .c implementation, look at the header file, then read
the unit test. This gives you an "abstract to concrete" understanding
how the pieces work together and making it easier to remember.
======Advantages And Disadvantages======
A DArray is better when you need to optimize these operations:
* Iteration. You can just use a basic for-loop and DArray_count with
DArray_get and you're done. No special macros needed, and it's
faster because you aren't walking pointers.
* Indexing. You can use DArray_get and DArray_set to access any
element at random, but with a List you have to go through N
elements to get to N+1.
* Destroying. You just free the struct and the contents in two
operations. A List requires a series of free calls and also walking
every element.
* Cloning. You can also clone it in just two operations (plus
whatever it's storing) by copying the struct and contents. A list
again requires walking the whole thing and copying every ListNode
plus its value.
* Sorting. As you saw, List is horrible if you need to keep the data
sorted. A DArray opens up a whole class of great sorting algorithms
because now you can access elements randomly.
* Large Data. If you need to keep around a lot of data, then a DArray
wins since it's base contents takes up less memory than the same
number of ListNode structs.
The List however wins on these operations:
* Insert and remove on the front (what I called shift). A DArray
needs special treatment to be able to do this efficiently, and
usually has to do some copying.
* Splitting or joining. A List can just copy some pointers and it's
done, but with a DArray you have to do copying of the arrays
* Small Data. If you only need to store a few elements, then
typically the storage will be less in a List than a generic DArray
because the DArray needs to expand the backing store to accommodate
future inserts, but a List only makes what it needs.
With this, I prefer to use a DArray for most of the things you see
other people use a List. I reserve using List for any data structure
that requires small number of nodes that are inserted and removed from
either end. I'll show you two similar data structures called a Stack
and Queue where this is important.
======How To Improve It======
As usual, go through each function and operation and add the defensive
programming checks, pre-conditions, invariants, and anything else you
can find to make the implementation more bulletproof.
======Extra Credit======
* Improve the unit tests to cover more of the operations and test
that using a for-loop to iterate works.
* Research what it would take to implement bubble sort and merge sort
for DArray, but don't do it yet. I'll be implementing DArray
algorithms next and you'll do this then.
* Write some performance tests for common operations and compare them
to the same operations in List. You did some of this, but this
time, write a unit test that repeatedly does the operation in
question, then in the main runner do the timing.
* Look at how the DArray_expand is implemented using a constant
increase (size + 300). Typically dynamic arrays are implemented
with a multiplicative increase (size * 2), but I've found this to
cost needless memory for no real performance gain. Test my
assertion and see when you'd want a multiplied increase instead of
a constant increase.
Copyright (C) 2010 Zed. A. Shaw