Warning: Declaration of action_plugin_subjectindex_indexer::register(&$controller) should be compatible with DokuWiki_Action_Plugin::register(Doku_Event_Handler $controller) in /data/web/virtuals/28604/virtual/www/subdom/bo/lib/plugins/subjectindex/action/indexer.php on line 15

Warning: Declaration of action_plugin_mathjax_enable::register(Doku_Event_Handler &$controller) should be compatible with DokuWiki_Action_Plugin::register(Doku_Event_Handler $controller) in /data/web/virtuals/28604/virtual/www/subdom/bo/lib/plugins/mathjax/action/enable.php on line 62

Warning: Declaration of action_plugin_googleanalytics::register(&$controller) should be compatible with DokuWiki_Action_Plugin::register(Doku_Event_Handler $controller) in /data/web/virtuals/28604/virtual/www/subdom/bo/lib/plugins/googleanalytics/action.php on line 40

Warning: Declaration of action_plugin_folded::register(&$controller) should be compatible with DokuWiki_Action_Plugin::register(Doku_Event_Handler $controller) in /data/web/virtuals/28604/virtual/www/subdom/bo/lib/plugins/folded/action.php on line 40

Warning: Declaration of action_plugin_hidden::register(&$controller) should be compatible with DokuWiki_Action_Plugin::register(Doku_Event_Handler $controller) in /data/web/virtuals/28604/virtual/www/subdom/bo/lib/plugins/hidden/action.php on line 28

Warning: Declaration of action_plugin_include::register(&$controller) should be compatible with DokuWiki_Action_Plugin::register(Doku_Event_Handler $controller) in /data/web/virtuals/28604/virtual/www/subdom/bo/lib/plugins/include/action.php on line 354

Warning: Declaration of action_plugin_tag::register(&$contr) should be compatible with DokuWiki_Action_Plugin::register(Doku_Event_Handler $controller) in /data/web/virtuals/28604/virtual/www/subdom/bo/lib/plugins/tag/action.php on line 175

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /data/web/virtuals/28604/virtual/www/subdom/bo/lib/plugins/subjectindex/action/indexer.php:15) in /data/web/virtuals/28604/virtual/www/subdom/bo/inc/auth.php on line 532

Warning: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead in /data/web/virtuals/28604/virtual/www/subdom/bo/inc/auth.php on line 818

Warning: "continue" targeting switch is equivalent to "break". Did you mean to use "continue 2"? in /data/web/virtuals/28604/virtual/www/subdom/bo/inc/parser/handler.php on line 1376

Warning: Declaration of SI_EntryDefault::match($text) should be compatible with SI_Entry::match() in /data/web/virtuals/28604/virtual/www/subdom/bo/lib/plugins/subjectindex/plugins/EntryDefault.php on line 68

Warning: Declaration of SI_EntryTag::match($text) should be compatible with SI_Entry::match() in /data/web/virtuals/28604/virtual/www/subdom/bo/lib/plugins/subjectindex/plugins/EntryTag.php on line 42

Warning: Declaration of SI_EntryVerse::match($text) should be compatible with SI_Entry::match() in /data/web/virtuals/28604/virtual/www/subdom/bo/lib/plugins/subjectindex/plugins/EntryVerse.php on line 1280

Warning: preg_match(): Compilation failed: invalid range in character class at offset 4360 in /data/web/virtuals/28604/virtual/www/subdom/bo/inc/parser/lexer.php on line 118
A PCRE internal error occured. This might be caused by a faulty plugin

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /data/web/virtuals/28604/virtual/www/subdom/bo/lib/plugins/subjectindex/action/indexer.php:15) in /data/web/virtuals/28604/virtual/www/subdom/bo/inc/actions.php on line 215
YPP1:K5.scm [Bo.bule]

======K5.scm====== <code shell>#!/usr/bin/env racket #lang racket/base </code> ====== count-atoms ====== <code scheme> (define count-atoms (lambda (s) (cond ((null? s) 0) ((pair? s) (+ (count-atoms (car s)) (count-atoms (cdr s)))) (else 1)))) (count-atoms '(a . (b . c))) </code> ====== pokus ====== <code scheme> (define pokus (let* ((x (cons 1 2)) (y (cons x x))) y)) </code> ====== count-atoms-pom ====== <code scheme> (define count-atoms-pom (lambda (s found) (cond ((null? s) (cons 0 found)) ((pair? s) (let* ((count-car (count-atoms-pom (car s) found)) (count-cdr (count-atoms-pom (cdr s) (cdr count-car)))) (cons (+ (car count-car) (car count-cdr)) (cons s (cdr count-cdr))))) (else (cons 1 found))))) (member 5 '(1 2 3 4)) (member (cons 1 2) (list (cons 0 1) (cons 1 2))) (equal? (cons 1 2) (cons 1 2)) (eqv? (cons 1 2) (cons 1 2)) </code> ====== member-eqv ====== <code scheme> (define member-eqv (lambda (e l) (cond ((null? l) #f) ((eqv? e (car l)) l) (else (member-eqv e (cdr l)))))) </code> (count-atoms-pom pokus ()) <code scheme> (member-eqv (cons 1 2) (list (cons 0 1) (cons 1 2))) (let ((x (cons 1 2))) (member-eqv x (list (cons 0 1) x))) (let ((x (cons 1 2))) (memv x (list (cons 0 1) x))) </code> ====== count-atoms-pom ====== <code scheme> (define count-atoms-pom (lambda (s found) (cond ((or (null? s) (and (pair? s) (member-eqv s found))) (cons 0 found)) ((pair? s) (let* ((count-car (count-atoms-pom (car s) found)) (count-cdr (count-atoms-pom (cdr s) (cdr count-car)))) (cons (+ (car count-car) (car count-cdr)) (cons s (cdr count-cdr))))) (else (cons 1 found))))) (count-atoms-pom pokus ()) (count-atoms-pom '((1 . 2) . (1 . 2)) ()) </code> ====== all-subsets ====== <code scheme> (define all-subsets (lambda (s) (if (null? s) '(()) (let ((bez-prvniho (all-subsets (cdr s)))) (append (map (lambda(e) (cons (car s) e)) bez-prvniho) bez-prvniho ))))) (all-subsets '(1 2 3)) </code> ====== quasiquote ====== <code scheme> (quote (1 2 3)) (quasiquote (1 (+ 1 2) 3)) (quasiquote (1 (unquote (list + 1 2)) xxxx)) (quasiquote (1 (unquote-splicing (list + 1 2)) xxxx)) (define x '(1 2 3)) (define y '(a b c)) 'xxxx `(1 (unquote (list + 1 2)) xxxx) `(1 ,(list + 1 2) xxxx) (quasiquote (1 ,@(list + 1 2) xxxx)) `(,@x ,@y) (when (< 3 4) (display "1 ") (+ 1 2)) (if (< 3 4) (let () (display "1 ") (+ 1 2))) </code> ====== when-t ====== <code scheme> (define when-t (lambda (c . n) `(if ,c (let () ,@n)))) (when-t '(< 3 4) '(display "1 ") '(+ 1 2)) (define-macro when-t (lambda (c . n) `(if ,c (let () ,@n)))) 'xx (when-t (< 3 4) (display "1 ") (+ 1 2)) </code> ====== muj-let ====== <code scheme> (define muj-let (lambda (dvojice . telo) `((lambda ,(map car dvojice) ,@telo) ,@(map cadr dvojice)))) (muj-let '((x 10) (y 20)) '(+ x y)) </code> ====== macro-muj-let ====== <code scheme> (define-macro muj-let (lambda (dvojice . telo) `((lambda ,(map car dvojice) ,@telo) ,@(map cadr dvojice)))) </code> ====== macor-muj-let ====== <code scheme> (define-macro muj-let (lambda (dvojice . telo) (cons (cons 'lambda (cons (map car dvojice) telo)) (map cadr dvojice)))) (muj-let ((x 10) (y 20)) (+ x y)) </code> muj-let ====== and-t ====== <code scheme> (define and-t (lambda n (cond ((null? n) #t) ((null? (cdr n)) (car n)) (else `(if ,(car n) ,(apply and-t (cdr n)) #f))))) (and-t ) (and-t 's1) (and-t 's1 '(< 2 1) 's3) </code> (cykli-pro i od 1 do 10 delej (display i)) <code scheme> (let iter ((i 1)) (if (<= i 10) (let () (display i) (iter (+ i 1))))) </code> ====== cykli-pro ====== <code scheme> (define cykli-pro (lambda (promenna od spodni do horni delej co-mam-delat) `(let iter ((,promenna ,spodni)) (if (<= ,promenna ,horni) (let () ,co-mam-delat (iter (+ ,promenna 1))))))) (newline) (cykli-pro 'i 'od '1 'do '10 'delej '(display i)) </code> ====== macro-cykli-pro ====== <code scheme> (define-macro cykli-pro (lambda (promenna od spodni do horni delej co-mam-delat) (when (not (equal? delej 'delej)) (error "sorry, error")) `(let iter ((,promenna ,spodni)) (if (<= ,promenna ,horni) (let () ,co-mam-delat (iter (+ ,promenna 1))))))) </code> (cykli-pro i od 1 do 10 nedelej (display i)) ====== strom ====== <code scheme> (define strom '(5 . ((3 . (() . (4 . (() . ())))) . (6 . (() . ()))))) (define left cadr) (define right cddr) (define key car) </code> ====== search-tree ====== <code scheme> (define search-tree (lambda (k tree) (cond ((null? tree) #f) ((equal? (key tree) k) tree) ((< k (key tree)) (search-tree k (left tree))) (else (search-tree k (right tree)))))) (search-tree 6 strom) </code> ====== make-node ====== <code scheme> (define make-node (lambda (key l p) `(,key . (,l . ,p)))) </code> ====== add-node ====== <code scheme> (define add-node (lambda (k tree) (display tree) (cond ((null? tree) (make-node k () ())) ((equal? (key tree) k) tree) ((< k (key tree)) (make-node (key tree) (add-node k (left tree)) (right tree))) (else (make-node (key tree) (left tree) (add-node k (right tree))))))) (foldl (lambda(x a) (add-node x a)) () '(5 3 4 6)) ; vim: syntax=racket </code>

Warning: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead in /data/web/virtuals/28604/virtual/www/subdom/bo/inc/auth.php on line 818
YPP1/K5.scm.txt · Last modified: 2015/01/15 20:45 (external edit)
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