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A PCRE internal error occured. This might be caused by a faulty plugin

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lcthw:ex10 [Bo.bule]

======Exercise 10: Arrays Of Strings, Looping====== You can make an array of various types, and have the idea down that a "string" and an "array of bytes" are the same thing. The next thing is to take this one step further and do an array that has strings in it. We'll also introduce your first looping construct, the for-loop to help print out this new data structure. The fun part of this is that there's been an array of strings hiding in your programs for a while now, the char *argv[] in the main function arguments. Here's code that will print out any command line arguments you pass it: #include <stdio.h> int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int i = 0; // go through each string in argv // why am I skipping argv[0]? for(i = 1; i < argc; i++) { printf("arg %d: %s\n", i, argv[i]); } // let's make our own array of strings char *states[] = { "California", "Oregon", "Washington", "Texas" }; int num_states = 4; for(i = 0; i < num_states; i++) { printf("state %d: %s\n", i, states[i]); } return 0; } The format of a for-loop is this: for(INITIALIZER; TEST; INCREMENTER) { CODE; } Here's how the for-loop works: * The INITIALIZER is code that is run to setup the loop, in this case i = 0. * Next the TEST boolean expression is checked, and if it's false (0) then CODE is skipped, doing nothing. * The CODE runs, does whatever it does. * After the CODE runs, the INCREMENTER part is run, usually incrementing something, like in i++. * And it continues again with Step 2 until the TEST is false (0). This for-loop is going through the command line arguments using argc and argv like this: * The OS passes each command line argument as a string in the argv array. The program's name (./ex10) is at 0, with the rest coming after it. * The OS also sets argc to the number of arguments in the argv array so you can process them without going past the end. Remember that if you give one argument, the program's name is the first, so argc is 2. * The for-loop sets up with i = 1 in the initializer. * It then tests that i is less than argc with the test i < argc. Since initially $1 < 2$ it will pass. * It then runs the code which just prints out the i and uses i to index into argv. * The incrementer is then run using the i++ syntax, which is a handy way of writing i = i + 1. * This then repeats until i < argc is finally false (0) when the loop exits and the program continues on. ======What You Should See====== To play with this program you have to run it two ways. The first way is to pass in some command line arguments so that argc and argv get set. The second is to run it with no arguments so you can see that the first for-loop doesn't run since i < argc will be false. $ make ex10 cc -Wall -g ex10.c -o ex10 $ ./ex10 i am a bunch of arguments arg 1: i arg 2: am arg 3: a arg 4: bunch arg 5: of arg 6: arguments state 0: California state 1: Oregon state 2: Washington state 3: Texas $ $ ./ex10 state 0: California state 1: Oregon state 2: Washington state 3: Texas $ ======Understanding Arrays Of Strings====== From this you should be able to figure out that in C you make an "array of strings" by combining the char *str = "blah" syntax with the char str[] = {'b','l','a','h'} syntax to construct a 2-dimensional array. The syntax char *states[] = {...} on line 14 is this 2-dimension combination, with each string being one element, and each character in the string being another. Confusing? The concept of multiple dimensions is something most people never think about so what you should do is build this array of strings on paper: * Make a grid with the index of each string on the left. * Then put the index of each character on the top. * Then, fill in the squares in the middle with what single character goes in that cell. * Once you have the grid, trace through the code manually using this grid of paper. Another way to figure this is out is to build the same structure in a programming language you are more familiar with like Python or Ruby. ======How To Break It====== * Take your favorite other language, and use it to run this program, but with as many command line arguments as possible. See if you can bust it by giving it way too many arguments. * Initialize i to 0 and see what that does. Do you have to adjust argc as well or does it just work? Why does 0-based indexing work here? * Set num_states wrong so that it's a higher value and see what it does. ======Extra Credit====== * Figure out what kind of code you can put into the parts of a for-loop. * Look up how to use the ',' (comma) character to separate multiple statements in the parts of the for-loop, but between the ';' (semicolon) characters. * Read what a NULL is and try to use it in one of the elements of the states array to see what it'll print. * See if you can assign an element from the states array to the argv array before printing both. Try the inverse. Copyright (C) 2010 Zed. A. Shaw Credits

Warning: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead in /data/web/virtuals/28604/virtual/www/subdom/bo/inc/auth.php on line 818
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